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October 1995 John's Notes

Noah Creamer

As part us celebrating 20 years, we are digging up some old notes, journals and sharing with you on the early days of Willow Vineyard. Enjoy... Jo & John

Oct. 2nd 1995

Jo and I picked the Pinot Noir after checking the brix witch seems to be around 23 Oct 3rd 1995 The birdnetting is the only way to keep the birds at bay with the grapes.

Oct 4th 1995

After loading all the picked grapes into the tractor bucket, Jo follows me to L. Mawby Vineyards for crushing and destemming.

After crushing Jo and I load the 2 20 gallon Rubbermaid garbage cans into the back of the Saab and go home to place our wine to be in cottage #C for safe keeping.

Oct 4th 1995 Thru 10th

I punched the skins down at least 5-6 times a day because of enthusiasm and I want the color to be the best it can be. Dark burgundy .

Oct 15th 1995

I check the must at 9am. More juice than skin so the primary fermentation is nearly complete . The color is still a little lighter than I wanted.

Nov. 1st 1995

I decide to take a sample to Larry Mawby for his personal palat tasting .

A&B . A has a long toasty finish. Jo , Dad, & Mom agree. So do I.

However Larry claims he can not tell the difference. He likes them both a lot. I smile...

Nov. 2nd. 1995

Well it is exactly 1 month to the day and we are going to press the Pinot Noir. I'm so excited to use my new basket press.

Nov. 2nd 1995

Larry wants me to take a sample for tasting and determine just how much sulfur to use to stabilize the wine.

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