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Noah Creamer

May 25, 1993 - Jo's Journal

Our ongoing journal series of how Willow Started. We are running this series as part of our 20th year in business.

May 25th 1993

70 degrees outside. More rain last night. Too wet for planting . John is trying to finish up raking getting close to seeding. Worked until 8.30 pm. Very tired.

May 26

65 degrees. Am Rain. Looks like it's going to clear up and be a beautiful day. Need dry days so we can finish getting the vines in the ground.

May 27

Rainy & Cold high 50s . Ready for some warm weather . Still have 475 vines to get in the ground. Taking the day off. Got to hit it hard tomorrow .

May 28

Cool, high 60s . Planted only 75 vines. Finished 8pm.

May 29

Sunny & warm. Beautiful day. Bill Poleo and family came up , gave his thumbs up on the vineyard. Means a lot to us. Worked until 7pm. Planted 125 vines.

May 30

Cool & rainy. Planted only 25 vines. Started pouring around 11.30. I will take lilacs to the girls at Boone's Prime Time.

May 31

Rain & Cold. No work

June 1st.

Another cool day. Where's summer? At Willow by 8am. However vineyard is too wet and slick to plant . So we walk around and check progress on vines planted. Decide we are going to plant Pinot Noir. Order 1250 vines.

June 2

Sunny& beautiful . High 60s. Finally can work in a T-Shirt. Saw 2 deer come over the hill. One look at us and took off. Never get tired of seeing deer. John says yes we will. Planted 80 vines. Worked till 6pm.

Closing in on it.

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